Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Okay, damnit...

So the deal is there is no deal.
I don't hate bands.
Its just this:
Bands, in general, when they decide they will invade your living rooms, bed rooms, cars, computers, Friday evenings...rather than just playing songs to noone...
They have to do things that "suck."
Music videos suck.
Shameless plugs suck.
Whether its U2 pushing ipods or a local band putting "flip" videos on youtube and announcing drink specials...bands have to do things that "suck."
This thing(blawg) is just a prank with words.
Just personified boredom.
And boozing.
But the thing is, some bands/artists get it.
John Mayer.
Yeah, he kind of sucks.
He made a choice:
Be the best guitar player in his local scene OR:
Reveal his sexual encounters with celebrities and the fact that his genitals are apparently racist to the readers of Playboy magazine. a toss up?
BUT...If you and Johnny had a candid sit down, and you said, "Bro, you kind of suck," I think he would get it...
On the other hand...........
I think Nickelback probably scratches their heads daily...asking, "Why does everybody hate us?"
And they probably have conspiracy theories, etc...
But, if they would let down their guard, they would get it...yeah? maybe?
Probably not.
I was on Folly earlier.
Surf Bar.
I had some drinks.
Ended up here.
That should explain a lot.
Hearts. Hugs. Teddy bears.

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