Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just to Clarify...

Okay. Anybody that knows me knows I am a cynical bastard.
However, lately, I am trying to be more positive.
Funny, I've blogged about this before.
And if anyone is directed here from the City Paper article, I just want to say that I am not serious about any of the stuff I say on this blog.
I am not a hater.
I'm trying not to be one, anyway.
But, I am a crusty, old dude, that's seen his fair share of bullshit.
And sometimes, that bullshit gets under your skin until you just have to vent.
This blog is ironic, because the things that make "bandssuck" could be used to say "blogssuck:"
Self indulgence, delusion, bad taste.
Where am I going with this?
Ahhhh...always nice to end up at square one.
Oh, go see "Crazy Heart."

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