Saturday, June 27, 2009

They cause me nothing but pain. Honestly. I wait all winter for April, and by this time every year(well, since 2005) its already over. I'm talking about the Braves, yall. Let me just say that is great to see a walk off home run, etc, but the lows always hurt worse than the highs feel good.

Today was no exception. Red Sox 1, Braves 0. The fucking Red Sox, man. Capitalism at its worse. And, there are so many fairweather sox fans out there, and because Atlanta is an import town full of damn yankees, there were more Sox fans at Turner Field than Braves fans. Insult to injury. The hate that builds in me from watching the Red Sox basically play a home game is truely unbelievable. It really is. I will not mention out loud what brews inside me when I hear Tuner Field chant "YUUUKE," or when the broadcast goes to a split screen to show Paplebon in his stupid, goddamn wind up. Its rediculous, I know. I remind myself of that. It shouldn't be there, but it is. The thing is, I don't hate Youkalis or Paplebon, I don't hate anyone for that matter, but I do hate them on the field. Maybe its not hate. Just deep rooted pissed. Better word. But, yeah, Yuke and Paplebon the person, nah, I don't hate them. Probably wouldn't have much in common with them, though. Or any ball players. Baseball is my favorite sport, it is also the sport I was worst at, Ironically. But ball players wear gold chains and listen to DC Talk and Sugarland, so you know, not on the same page, I guess.

In the end, I still love the Braves. I can't help but think that my life would be less stressful without them. I need my head examined. I really do.

Sorry that there was no point to this. Purely a vent.

One more thing. Fucking Smoltz, man. Traitor.

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