Friday, June 19, 2009

blawging for the sake of blawging...

I think the machines have won. We have been defeated. It didn't play out like the Sarah and John Connor said it would. Maybe it is a little more like the battle that Neo and Morpheus fight. But the machines have won.

I like technology as much as the next guy. Well, truthfully, I guess that depends on who is standing to my left and right. I think technology is great when it makes our lives better. George Carlin once said, you can't argue with a good blow job. Yep. You also can't argue with not having to use an outhouse in the middle of the night. Or, being able just to flip a switch and have lights come on.

But, has the digital revolution made our lives better? It has made them easier, no doubt. But easy is not always best. I'm sure in some ways, the internet and all that is related has made things better. But, we are losing important communication skills and basic human survival. The next generation probably won't even understand how to read a map. And online dating? Come on, where's the romance? Where's the adventure? Most people probably laugh that stuff off, but I am seeing it all over the place, so it must be catching on. Fast foward to 2078: "How did I meet your grandfather? Oh, its a wonderful story. I was at work strolling dating sites, and his profile stated that he was a fan of Kelly Clarkson, as was I. It was love at first view."

100 years ago, if the power went out, people didn't lose their minds. It wasn't a big deal. Now, the whole world goes to shit during a black out. It is literally chaos. It won't be long, hell it might be now, that it is going to happen when the internet goes down.

The machines got us by the balls, yall.

Its sunny outside. I'm staring at a screen. Irony. Textbook. What's a textbook?

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