Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Junk Food Theory...

A few weeks ago, I was on the phone with my brother. He asked me what I was up to and I said I was going to see a movie. He asked me what movie and I told him that the only movie out that I really wanted to see was "Its Complicated." Let me make a note here, I really did not want to see "Its Complicated," I just wanted to go to the movies. I had cabin fever, felt like getting out of the house. You see, I enjoy the movie experience as much as I enjoy the movie, often more.
He asked me if I had seen "Avatar."
Go see that then.
I said, everything that I've heard about that movie says that the effects are great, the story sucks. More style than substance.
Yeah, he said.
Well, that's exactly the kind of movie that I don't enjoy.
He said: You used to like movies like that.
This is true. And sometimes, I still do. If they made a "Blade 6" I would go see it.
But, there are a lot of factors, and I digress.
The thing is, tastes change. I'm not saying that Avatar is shit, I have no idea, it just doesn't look like something I would like.
I know myself pretty well, better than James Cameron, anyway.
My tastes seem to be a little more sophisticated, but not really. I still really like B Movies-but for the camp value more than anything else.
And that's the thing.
When I was a kid, I liked Doritos and Oreos. I guess I still do...but Doritos and Oreos aren't on my grocery list...
And most of pop culture/mainstream media and entertainment is kind of like junkfood.
It comes in a bright, colorful, fancy package, it has a whole lot of additives, it is overpriced...
And some of it IS ENTERTAINING. Sometimes you're in the mood for it.
Just like Doritos do taste good...
You can't eat Doritos all the time, Doritos are bad for your health.
And you shouldn't be on a diet of Top 40 either, because too much of it is bad for your soul.
At one time, I genuinely liked the band "Third Eye Blind."
But tastes change.
And now there are things about other music that appreciate that most pop bands leave out...I also appreciate the things that lets call them "roots" bands leave out that most pop bands find the need to add.
If I was a kid, and I had to choose between a homegrown, freshly sliced tomato and a bag of something crisp and salty...it was crisp and salty in a land slide.
Now, I appreciate what goes into that tomato, and respect the effort, nature, all of that organic shit.
You get over the kid stuff...and hearing John Prine and Billy Joe Shaver make it impossible for me to go back to the kids stuff.
Someone else can probably express this better than I can.


Unknown said...

So what you're saying is my American flag decal won't get me into heaven anymore??

wrecked33 said...

I think there is a difference between your tastes changing somewhat as you get older and not being able to appreciate a fun movie with good special effects, 3D and in IMAX...with a big tub of buttered popcorn.

I mean the Neverending Story and Flight of the Navigator obviously don't appeal to us like the once did....but that is because we were kids and a big overgrown flying dog is just weird.

I can, however, still allow myself to get lost in a movie. Avatar may not have the best plot or maybe it was too predictable but it was still fun. I enjoy being able to still find the fun in a movie, regardless of how cliche it is.

Don't get me wrong there is a lot of crap out there on the radio, TV and at the movies....but it is not all crap. 3rd Eye Blind was good and I usually don't change the station if one of their tunes comes on, with the exception of the song about the stepping off the ledge The Third Eye, however, is still weird.

I agree that as you get older your tastes broaden where you appreciate a wider array of music, movies and/or food - call it a more sophisticated pallet. I mean, what kid would have ever voluntarily eaten a snail, oyster or raw fish....but you should still be able to go to a good action flick, sc-fi flick, comedy, etc because it is fun. Don't be the guy that goes to college and becomes a beatnik and turn your nose up to the fun stuff you used to like. Speaking of that...So I Married an Axe Murderer was funny...I digress - Mac, you would have fun at Avatar and you know it. I will buy the popcorn.

See you tonight at Triangle. Your music is great and I will still like it in 50 years. You, however, will be sitting next to me saying how it was crap and that your new stuff is where its at...

Love your big brother and fan.

Mac Leaphart said...

Yo Gibbs-
Third Eye Blind blows.
See you tonight.